Preparing an Abstract
Please submit the abstract via the ICTCT 2025 registration webpage before the submission deadline on 31 March 2025.
Remarks on the abstract:
- All abstracts should address one or two of the ICTCT 2025 topics
(one primary and one secondary category to be choosen during the submission process) - We highly recommend completing your submission early to avoid trouble due to high server traffic close to the deadline.
- Submissions via Email or ax are not accepted.
- Late submissions will not be accepted.
- All abstracts and full papers must be submitted in English.
- Given the competitiveness of our past events, we encourage authors to focus on quality and thorough preparation.
- Accepted contributions are expected to be presented on-site at the venue VKU in Berlin, Germany.
Your abstract (500 – 700 words) should include the following points:
- Background
- Aim
- Method or methodological issues
- Results obtained or expected
- Conclusions
Please note that the abstract can be submitted as plain text, but pictures, diagrams, etc. can help the reader better understand.
Do not use references unless absolutely necessary. The system will not accept abstracts longer than 700 words.
Provide 3-6 keywords characterizing your submission.
The assessment will be based upon the following criteria: i) scientific quality, (ii) relevance of the topic in relation to the conference theme,
and (iii) likelihood to raise the interest of the present audience and to stimulate discussion. Early career researchers are encouraged to
do their first presentation at the conference.
Contributions can be accepted for either a poster or an oral presentation (note that the number of oral presentation slots,
so not all preferences can be fulfilled).
Presentations should, as far and as much as possible, be based on empirical studies with the goal to improve understanding of
road users’ risks, behaviours and their responses to the conditions in which they take part in traffic.
Theoretical contributions related to these issues are welcomed, too.
Full papers
Full papers are not required but welcomed. Participants of the conference are encouraged to submit a full paper to a conference-related special issue of the scientific journal Traffic Safety Research (TSR), Details about this special issue will be announced later. Besides that, ICTCT offers to publish the full paper version (not peer reviewed) on the ICTCT homepage.
Presentation Information and Instructions
All information for oral and poster presenters will be published on the ICTCT 2025 webpage.