Abstract Submission
General Information for Authors
The conference hosts of the 37th ICTCT-Conference 2025 invite authors to submit abstracts for presentation at the 37th ICTCT-Conference 2025. The Conference will take place from 23–24 October 2025 at the VKU Forum in Berlin, Germany.
Objectives and Conference topics
Data and methods for evidence-based road safety measures and applications
The objective of the conference is to support the understanding and the execution of suitable approaches to move towards a transportation system without severely injured or killed road users. Due to the rapid progress in the development of powerful computing technology and the enormous potential of artificial intelligence, we have the opportunity to uncover the effects of traffic infrastructure, physical conditions, traffic environment and other risk factors, as for example human behaviour, on traffic safety.
Conference topics
Although the number of severe and fatal road user crashes has decreased (especially in Western countries) thanks to effective measures for road safety, those numbers are still alarmingly high. Established methods such as crash or conflict data analysis have helped to understand traffic safety. However, as crash numbers decrease, areas for progress may become less clear. Powerful methods are required to analyse a large amount of data to achieve evidence on the effects of risk factors on traffic safety. The smart application of AI promises to unveil and fill the current knowledge gaps and understanding the effects of, for instance, infrastructure on road user behaviour and road safety. The application of AI goes hand in hand with novel methods of data generation and data enhancement for traffic safety analysis. Therefore, ways to improve the quality of road safety data including performant methods for data collection, data analysis and interpretation, data modelling, and data enhancement are urgently needed. Contributions featuring innovative methods, approaches, models and tools for the assessment of road safety and the reduction of the impacts of road crashes with special attention to vulnerable road users (VRU), as well as any other road safety related aspects are welcomed.
A non-exhaustive list of topics includes:
- Data acquisition, data fusion, data analysis and data processing for safety research (e.g., crash data, trajectory data, traffic data, infrastructure data, medical data, behavioural and interaction data, research bicycles, e-scooters or other forms of micro-mobility,
human behaviour or naturalistic driving studies, eye-tracking, VRU simulators etc.) - Methods and approaches for safety analysis, e.g., artificial intelligence (AI), large language models (LLMs), surrogate measures
of safety (SMoS), injury risk functions (IRF), information theory, signal processing, simulation approaches, crash prediction models (CPMs),
highway safety manual (HSM) predictive models, safety in numbers (SiN), collision risk quantification and prediction. - Safety applications and measures (e.g., V2X for safety alerts, automation, geofencing, safety/criticality dashboards, mobile applications,
intelligent traffic management/control, road design tools for traffic planning), including human responses to these measures. - Any other methods relevant to improving road safety: from various possible perspectives: social sciences, psychology, management, economics, road safety management, product design, etc.
Special sessions:
- Surrogate measures of safety: The scope of this session are practical and methodological studies using near-crashes or other safety-critical events in traffic for safety diagnosis. This includes traffic conflict observations, analysis of near-misses in naturalistic data, the generation and use of injury risk functions and the adoption of microscopic simulation. Authors aiming at presenting in this session may mark the checkbox “SMoS special session” during the submission process to ensure the correct assignment of reviewers.
- Infrastructure safety: The authors are invited to present practical and methodological approaches for impact assessment of risk factors and safety measures with focus on infrastructure design (e.g., urban and rural roads, crossing types, cycle infrastructure motorways, railway crossings; various traffic, luminosity and weather conditions). The attendees of this session may mark “Infrastructure safety” during the submission process to ensure the correct assignment of reviewers.
Abstract Submission and Registration to the ICTCT 2025 conference is a 2-stage process:
1. Abstract Submission
To submit your abstract every author has to pre-register to the ICTCT2025 registration webpage.
Please submit your abstract via the Abstract Submission on the website. Every author will receive
a confirmation email that the abstract has been received.
2. Registration
Later, after receiving an acceptance notification the regular registration is obligatory and implies payment of the registration fee.
Therefore, with the acceptance notification, a link to finalize registration and payment will be provided. Registration will be open from 16 June 2025
You will find all information on the registration process and participation fees on the ICTCT 2025 registration webpage in January 2025.
Information regarding travel and accommodation will follow soon on the official conference website ICTCT 2025.